Bee Keeping online store
Welcome to Mike's Bee Equipped
Welcome to Mike's Bee Equipped! Online Store.
Beekeeping or apiculture is a long practiced activity in many parts of the world. Bees are a vital part of the ecosystem - one third of the food we eat would not be available were it not for bees' pollination activities.This article above from a magazine has always interested myself greatly.
At primary school I remember watching my headmaster keep bees, if you were well behaved you got to put a bee suit on and visit the bees, I never got to see the bees with the suit on, I guess good behavior was not my strong point.
But at school the fascination for bees started, a few years ago I attended a bee keeping course locally and quickly expanded to 14 hives on our land in South Derbyshire,
Last year I purchased the Bee-Equipped business that was quite dormant from a lovely couple in Ashbourne that had been running the business for many years, I spent the year selling stock on e bay that I had inherited and spent the money buying new equipment and now I offer you my website to purchase from.
The idea is to sell mostly only equipment that I use myself, tried and trusted, I have tried many cheap items with disappointment so I believe an offering of good quality bee keeping equipment will be welcomed by all.
The extraction equipment is from Saf natura in Italy of which I consider to be an excellent source of extractors, the assembled hives I offer are constructed from UK sourced wood and made by UK craftsman,
This website offering will continue to grow so please keep coming back to look for new products, we also now have a new small showroom that you can visit by appointment only, situated in Swadlincote South Derbyshire.
Happy Bee Keeping
Bee Keeping Products
Stainless Steel Prep Equipment
(6 items)
Dollys & Trays
(4 items)
Extraction Equipment
(29 items)
(4 items)
Hives & Frames
(35 items)
Miscellaneous Equipment
(42 items)
Queen Rearing
(24 items)
Sale Stock
(16 items)
Latest News

Cedar wood drying for new hives
Our cedar wood is drying nicely for our craftsman to manufacture more hives for sale, at present we have stock of all on the website- mike briggs

Hive entrance checking
Busy day finishing off the website, this morning at the apiary I was checking that the entrances were not snow blocked, this type of hive on the ph...- mike briggs