The Bee Keeping Online Store
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Starter kit bee keeping kit
I have put together a budget, but good quality product starter kit, all you really need now is a bee suit, this package consists of,,,
Cedar national hive flat pack,contents of,,
varroa floor open mesh with inspection tray
hive entrance block
1 x brood box
2 x super box
1 x queen excluder plastic
1 x crown board with 2 porter bee escapes holes
2 x porter bee escapes plastic
1 x feeder board
Flat roof set
1 x plastic feeder contact
1 x pack of 11 brood frames
2 x pack 11 super frames
spacers as required
1 x pack of brood foundation wired 11 sheets
2 x pack of super foundation wired 11 sheets
set nails
pair gloves
standard smoker
bee brush
hive tool stainless
small hammer or gimp tool
hive strap
you just need the bees now and I can recommend a supplier
the image is a built up hive, this sale is for flat pack, the stand can be purchased extra from the store